
USA: Monthly New Residential Sales (June)

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Ahora estás leyendo: USA: Monthly New Residential Sales (June)
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*Información extraída de la página oficial de la Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos (24/07/2020)

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New Home Sales

Sales of new single-family houses in June 2020 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 776,000, according to estimates released jointly today by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This is 13.8 percent (±17.8 %)* above the revised May rate of 682,000 and is 6.9 percent (±13.7 %)* above the June 2019 estimate of 726,000.

Sales Price

The median sales price of new houses sold in June 2020 was $329,200. The average sales price was $384,700.

For Sale Inventory and Months’ Supply

The seasonally-adjusted estimate of new houses for sale at the end of June was 307,000. This represents a supply of 4.7 months at the current sales rate.

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