
Message for U.S. Citizens: Participate in Absentee Voting Week

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Escribe: U.S Embassy

Lunes 16 de septiembre del 2024

Voter registration deadlines vary by state.  Some states require voters to be registered 30 days before an election.  Check the Federal Voting Assistance Program website ( to find more information on the deadline in your state.  Whether you are a first-time voter or have voted absentee in previous elections, you should complete a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) each year to ensure you are able to participate in elections as an overseas absentee voter.

If you have already completed a FPCA in 2024, you should soon receive your blank ballot, or instructions for how to access your ballot.  Please check your state’s voter registration verification website, or contact your local election office, to check the status of your absentee ballot request.  Using the FPCA ensures that your state will send your ballot to you at least 45 days before the election.

Once you have completed your ballot, you can return it to your local election officials free of charge by dropping it off at the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate or mail it directly at your own expense.  Transit time to the United States can take up to 20 days.  We recommend returning your ballot as soon as possible – and no later than October 4. 

ABSENTEE VOTING WEEK: October 1 – October 8, 2024

If you would like to drop off your completed FPCA or completed ballot for delivery to the United States via diplomatic pouch free of charge, the U.S. Mission in Peru is organizing the following Absentee Voting Week event(s):

September 25, 2024: Voting assistance in Urubamba (contact for details)

October 2, 2024: Voting Open House at the U.S Embassy in Lima, 8am- 12pm.  Please come to the embassy with identification documents and any voter materials you may have.

October 3, 2024: Voting assistance in Arequipa (contact for details)

October 8-9, 2024: Voting assistance in Puno (contact for details)

If you are unable to join us for any of these events, you can get voting assistance from the embassy or drop off your completed voting forms and ballots, addressed to your local election officials, during the following hours:

U.S. Embassy Lima: Monday – Friday, 10am-4pm, except Peruvian and U.S. holidays.

Consular Agency Cusco: Monday – Friday, 8am-2pm, except Peruvian and U.S. holidays.

Please note that election materials only need to contain sufficient U.S. postage or be placed in a postage-paid envelope.  Printable postage-paid envelope templates are available on FVAP’s website.

HELP SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT OVERSEAS VOTING. Please help spread the word to your friends, family, and colleagues that U.S. citizens overseas may be eligible to vote from wherever they are.  Now is the time.

If you have never voted while overseas before, it’s not too late. The process is easy — just follow these steps:

1. Complete a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) 

The FPCA allows you to register to vote and request your absentee ballots in one step.  If you submit an FPCA, your local election officials will send you an absentee ballot for all elections for federal offices (presidential and state primaries, run-off, special, and the November general elections) that take place that calendar year. Local election officials in all U.S. states and territories accept the FPCA.

The online voting assistant available at is an easy way to complete the FPCA. It will ask you questions specific to your state and tell you if electronic ballot delivery is possible.  We encourage you to request that your ballot be sent to you electronically.  Be sure to include your email address.  The online voting assistant will generate a printable FPCA, for you to print and sign.

2. Submit the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) 

You can return your FPCA to your local election officials free of charge via the U.S. Embassy in Lima or Consular Agency in Cusco, during the following hours:

U.S. Embassy Lima: Monday – Friday, 10am-4pm, except Peruvian and U.S. holidays.

Consular Agency Cusco: Monday – Friday, 8am-2pm, except Peruvian and U.S. holidays.

You may also choose to mail it directly to your local election officials at your own expense.  Some states allow voters to submit the FPCA via email as well.  See FVAP’s Voting Assistance Guide for specifics on all states.

3. Receive Your Ballot  

After submitting your FPCA, most states have an online portal where you can confirm your registration and ballot delivery information.  States are required to send ballots 45 days before an election for federal office to any overseas U.S. citizen who has completed an FPCA.

4. Return Your Ballot 

As with the FPCA, you can return your voted ballot to your local election officials free of charge via the U.S. Embassy in Lima or Consular Agency in Cusco as noted above, or mail it directly at your own expense.  Please note that transit time can take up to 20 days.  We recommend returning your ballot as soon as possible – and no later than October 4.

Please note that a friend or family member can drop off your election materials at the embassy or consular agency on your behalf, if needed.

Some states also accept voted ballots via email.  See FVAP’s Voting Assistance Guide for more details on your state.

Your Vote Counts!  

Many U.S. elections are decided by a small number of votes. All states are required to count every absentee ballot as long as it is valid and reaches local election officials by the state’s absentee ballot receipt deadline.

To receive information by email about election dates and deadlines, subscribe to FVAP’s Voting Alerts ( FVAP also shares Voting Alerts via Facebook and Twitter.

If you have any questions about registering to vote overseas or how to return your election materials, please contact Lima’s Voting Assistance Officer at +51-1-618-2000, or at

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