
U.S Embassy Lima: Health Alert, Spread of Oropouche Virus in Peru

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Escribe: U.S Embassy

Miércoles 18 de septiembre del 2024

Location: Peru (Loreto, Ucayali, Madre de Dios, Huanuco)

Event: Spread of Oropouche Virus in Peru

Peruvian authorities have reported Oropouche virus cases in several regions.  As of September 6, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) reported 930 cases in Peru, an increase from previous years.  Oropouche is a viral disease spread by the bite of infected midges (small flies) and mosquitoes.  Symptoms include fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, stiff joints, nausea, vomiting, and/or sensitivity to light, and are often mistaken for dengue fever.  Symptoms usually begin 3-10 days after being bitten and last 3-6 days. About 60% of patients have recurrent symptoms within days to weeks after initial illness resolution. While the illness is usually mild, the Oropouche virus can cause severe neuroinvasive disease. There is no specific treatment for Oropouche.  Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) webpage as well as their travel alert for more information. 

PAHO issued an update on September 6, 2024stating that 930 cases of Oropouche have been confirmed in Peru as of August 31, 2024.  This update noted that cases were found in the departments of Loreto (454 cases), Madre de Dios (312 cases), Ucayali (148 cases), Huanuco (12 cases), Junin (2 cases), San Martin (1 case), and Tumbes (1 case).  

Actions to Take

  • Follow CDC guidance and take steps to prevent bug bites as much as possible.
  • Pregnant travelers should discuss potential risks and travel plans with their healthcare provider
  • Review the CDC page on Oropouche 
  • Seek medical treatment if you believe you may be infected.  While the U.S. Embassy cannot advocate for medical practitioners, a list of local doctors may be found on our website:


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