
Circularity for a Sustainable and Secure Future

Fecha: 20 de agosto de 2020
Hora: 12:15 pm
Lugar: Webinar


2020 marks the beginning of the “decade of action” to accelerate progress toward greater global sustainability. While COVID-19 has presented the business community with unprecedented challenges, sustainability has remained a priority for many.

This year we made the difficult decision to postpone our 6th annual Sustainability and Circular Economy Summit, hosted in collaboration with National Geographic Society, until 2021. Given the need for urgent climate action, however, we are excited to announce a virtual conversation series, focusing on the timeliest topics in corporate sustainability and how business leaders are adapting to the challenges faced in this crucial and unprecedented time. These carefully curated, interactive sessions will go beyond the “what” and “why” of sustainability priorities as we know them, to explore “how” sustainability leaders can continue the momentum in the new normal, gleaning lessons from the corporate response to the pandemic.

The first session of this series will be themed Circularity for a Sustainable and Secure Future.

What is the role of materials management in the quest to reduce waste and transition to closed loop production systems? There are a myriad of new technologies and processes that leverage circular thinking to increase materials efficiencies and promote positive environmental impact. This conversation will discuss the role that circular materials management can play in both achieving sustainability goals and responding to resource-constrained settings such as the COVID-19 pandemic.


Jeanie Renne-Malone, Vice Pres ident, Global sustainability, VF Corporation
Valerie Craig, lnterim Chief Science and lnnovation Officer, National Geographic Society
Paul Clark, General Manager of Cloud Engineering and Supply Chain Sustainability, Microsoft


Stephanie Potter, Executive Director, Sustainability and Circular Economy Program, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation


Para mayor información comunicarse con el área de comités y eventos al 705-8000 anx. 296 o al e-mail ccolonia@amcham.org.pe.

P.D: Por razones de seguridad AmCham Perú se reserva el derecho de desvincular de la transmisión a aquellas personas que no se identifiquen con su nombre y lo hagan sólo con un número de celular al entrar a la conferencia.

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